At times you may forget your password. Resetting it is very simple and quick to do.
Resetting your password
- Open in your browser. If you are not currently logged in, you will be automatically redirected to the MirrorWeb auth system.
- Enter your email address and click “Login”.
- If you have multiple authentication providers active on your organisation, you will be asked to choose a provider.
- If using a MirrorWeb auth account, you will be asked for your password.
- Just click on the orange Forgot password button.
- Check that your email address is correct and press Submit
- You will receive an automated email with a new password.
- When you receive this, simply log in with this new password and you will be asked to set one of your own.
Password complexity rules
You will be reminded of these when setting your password but in short
- More than 8 characters
- Include numbers, letters and special characters
- We recommend using a password management application which can assist with generating complex passwords.