By the end of this guide, you will have:
An understanding of how to share Templates, Schedules and Vaults within MirrorWeb Insight.
Before starting this guide, please ensure that you have the following information:
- Log-in credentials to MirrorWeb Insight.
- A Template, Schedule and Vault created..
1. From the Insight Dashboard (, click on Communications.
2. Click on Templates.
3. To share the Template, Schedule or Vault, select Share.
4. Select the user, you want to share the Template, Schedule and Vault with.
5. Specify the Role you would like the user to have.
6. Click on Share.
7. You will receive confirmation the Template, Schedule or Vault has been shared.
8. The user will receive an email notifying them that you have shared a new Template, Schedule or Vault with them. Additionally, they will receive notifications when schedules are complete.